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New Zealand Disc Golf Policy on the use of alternate tees at NZDG sanctioned tour events.


4th March 2021

Haere mai, members!

Recently at two New Zealand Disc Golf Tour sanctioned events, the issue of some divisions playing from alternate teepads has come up again, with two tournaments offering this as an option.

There is currently no provision for this on - the official results website for the New Zealand Disc Golf Tour. The board does not wish the use of alternate tees at the two most recent NZDG sanctioned tour events to unfairly skew overall tour ranking results. To go someway towards a fairer way of doing things, we have decided to split up these events into two. Those divisions playing the shorter tees being in a 40-pointer maximum event and those teeing off from the longer tees competing for the usual 50 point maximum.

This is clearly not a complete and fair solution going forward. So we wish to encourage TDs to introduce an option for any player to tee from suitably located Drop Zones on longer holes which players may elect to use for a two-stroke penalty.

Moving forward, TDs are advised that from now on, any divisions or players using alternate shorter distance teepads cannot be included in the NZDG Tour points for that event. This policy ensures the integrity of the NZDG Tour points overall ranking system.

ngā mihi,

The New Zealand Disc Golf board

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