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Bylaw No.1 - NZDG Conflict Of Interest Policy

Web Admin

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

The following policy applies to all Members of the Association, Directors of the Board, and Non-Executive Officers, without exception.

Conflict of interest in disc golf is as old as the sport, and needs to be actively managed. As justice must not only be done, but be seen to be done, so must conflict of interest not only be managed, but be seen to be managed. Transparency and openness matter.

Conflict of Interest Form

All Directors of the Board, Non-Executive Officers of the Association, employees, and candidates for the Board, shall complete a Conflict of Interest Form stating any actual or perceived conflict of interest pertaining to them, including:

- Past and present commercial or financial interests (e.g. ownership, shareholding, partnership, directorship, profit share, full or part time employment, or similar) in any disc golf related company or organisation.

- Close personal relationships with others who may have a commercial or financial interest in disc golf (e.g. spouse, partner, close relative).

- Past and present sponsor relationships (e.g. where either the Member is a sponsored player, or a company or organisation in which the Member has a commercial or financial interest sponsors, or is involved in securing sponsorship for, players).

Such actual and perceived conflicts of interest shall be interpreted broadly, and stated if there is any doubt.

Conflict of Interest Forms shall be updated as soon as reasonably possible once circumstances change.

Completed Conflict of Interest Forms shall be published on the Association’s website.

Recusal of Interested Parties

Where the Association is involved in contracting, purchasing, tendering, or any form of commercial negotiation, any Member, Director, Non-Executive Officer, or employee, who has, or may have, a conflict of interest in the matter, shall be recused from the process (normally by himself/herself, otherwise by the Board).

Restricting Access to Information

As far as is practicable, the Association shall restrict access to commercially sensitive information by Members, Directors, Non-Executive Officers, or employees, who have an actual or perceived conflict of interest in the matter (e.g. competitor information).

Privileged Information Flows

No Member, Director, Non-Executive Officer, or employee, may profit from privileged information (defined as information that he/she is party to as a result of his/her position in the Association).

Example of Privileged Information Flow

A golf club asks the Board for help in installing a disc golf course. A Director of the Board is a vendor of disc golf courses. That Member is now in receipt of privileged information, and may not profit from it (e.g. by making an immediate proposal to the golf club). The Board may, however, give a list of all disc golf course vendors to the golf club, or may ask the golf club’s permission to send their request to all vendors. Once either course of action is taken, the privileged Member is then on a level footing with other vendors.

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