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To all Disc Golf Players and Disc Golf Clubs From Thursday 14th May, disc golf may be played, subject to some restrictions and precautions. 1. RECREATIONAL AND CASUAL DISC GOLF We ask all players to follow these guidelines in order to minimise Covid-19 risk: ///PLAY IT SAFE/// - Only touch your own discs - Retrieve your disc without touching basket or chains - Maintain physical distance of 2 metres from other players - Wash your hands thoroughly before and after playing - Sanitise your hands during the round as appropriate - Keep a record of other people you play with - To record your contact details online, please use the online contact tracing service on the nearby poster. ///STAY AWAY AND DO NOT PLAY IF YOU ARE UNWELL OR HAVE COLD/FLU SYMPTOMS/// Would all Disc Golf Clubs please put up the notice below on all courses in their area. Would all Clubs please also go to (a free online contact tracing service) and apply for unique QR code/numerical identifiers for courses in their area. You will need to apply for a unique QR code/numerical identifier for each course. We enclose a sample poster from Wanaka for information. Please put up the equivalent poster on each course. Please make sure posters are protected against the elements (e.g. laminated). 2. CLUB SOCIAL ROUNDS, LEAGUES AND LOCAL TOURNAMENTS These may all resume locally at L2, subject to the above guidelines and further important restrictions. Please note that organiser(s) are responsible for ensuring that all participants and spectators record their contact tracing details. You may wish to use the online contact tracing system outlined above.

Please maintain physical distance at all times during events. Sport New Zealand have advised us late today (12th May) that both indoor and outdoor gatherings are restricted to a maximum of 10 people (this may be relaxed in future, and will be first reviewed on 25th May). Accordingly, if you choose to hold Club social rounds, leagues or small local tournaments, please organise things so that there is no need to meet in groups of more than 10 (including spectators). Hold virtual player meetings, do not congregate before or after rounds, use normal disc golf measures (shotgun starts, long-staggered tee times etc.) to ensure that there is no need to gather in groups of more than 10. 3. NZ TOUR EVENTS In view of the strict limit on indoor and outdoor gatherings (maximum 10 people), NZDG will continue to withhold its sanction of NZ Tour events for the time being. The situation is fluid, we will keep things in review as events unfold (e.g. the government relaxes restrictions on indoor and outdoor gatherings). 4. DISC GOLF COURSES ON PRIVATE LAND Would Disc Golf Clubs please ensure that the above guidelines are also followed by private courses in their area. Please assist the owners in putting up posters and setting up contact tracing measures.

Would all Clubs please pass on this circular to their Members and disc golfers in their area by the usual means (Facebook, website, e-mail, etc.). Paul Deacon Chairman, New Zealand Disc Golf Association Incorporated 022 453 8117

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